So crazy that Easter is right around the corner! Since we just moved recently, we don’t have a church home around here established yet. I’m wondering if it would be a bad idea to try a new church on Easter Sunday? It will either make me feel better by making it less obvious that we’re new, or it will be packed and I won’t be able to get a feel for if it will be a good fit in the future. I just haven’t decided yet. Ugh.
Obviously, Easter Baskets are much less important. But they’re definitely still something we do. I do make sure Aden remembers the meaning of Easter and recognizes that it’s not about gifts and candy. He’s very religious, so he gets it, but he’s a kid so reminders are helpful 😉 …I actually just saw this wood sign on Etsy the other day, that while cheesy, is SO fitting:
Anyway, I do still like playing Easter Bunny and putting together gift baskets. I have literally NO idea of what I’m going to do this year, but I can share what I gave the guys last year.
Easter Basket for the Kid

Buying an actual basket that will get put in storage after Easter was just not appealing to me. I decided to make an umbrella basket instead, so it could be kept and used after. It didn’t quite turn out how I wanted, as the umbrella wouldn’t stand up without falling over, but I just propped it up against the wall. Still think it turned out pretty cute, in my opinion!
Here’s everything I included:
1. Umbrella – I got a KC Royals umbrella for the kid, but there’s some really cute umbrellas at Target & Amazon!
2. Emoji pillow
3. Basketball shorts from Target
4. Snacks/gum
6. Headphones
8. Scratch off lottery tickets
My favorite thing about this Easter “basket” is that it’s mostly useful stuff. I too love all of the Easter stuff at Target… and I have seen the cutest Easter gift ideas on Zulily… But, I don’t like clutter and I wanted things to either be played with for more than a day, worn, or used. Yes, the scratch off lottery tickets are silly, but it’s a family tradition that my parents used to do, so I have continued it on. Also I didn’t include a bunch of candy (there was a little candy in the eggs that were hidden all over). I’d rather not spend a ton of money on sugar. Plus, we always have Halloween candy for months after the holiday has passed, until I throw it away. So Easter candy would probably go to waste too.
Easter Basket for Him

Yep, I’m that girl. I give a grown man an Easter Basket. I don’t go crazy, but I love giving gifts and anytime I can spoil him a little, I do! So last year I picked up a cute basket at Home Goods, a frame from Michael’s for our favorite photo of us, some candy & scratch off lottery tickets. Super easy! We actually use the basket now in our laundry room & he still keeps this frame on his desk. Again, simple, useful, nothing crazy.
Now I’m off to scoure the land of Pinterest and Etsy to try to find some inspiration for this year… 😉