Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful celebration! New Year’s Eve at our house was very exciting. And by exciting, I mean no makeup, hair in a bun, easy peasy chili for dinner, movies & relaxing. My 10 year old did down an entire bottle of sparkling juice (calling it wine) while wearing a minecraft robe & pink Hunter boots, so there’s that. Yeah, definitely my child. Then he didn’t even make it until midnight… again, my child.
Anyway, with everyone talking about New Year’s resolutions, has me thinking of the upcoming year. I don’t typically buy into the whole new year, new you thing. But, I do like the idea of goal planning (& sticking to it)!
One of my goals this year is to spend more quality time with my family. It’s so hard to juggle a day job, family time, the blog, an Etsy shop, time for myself (ha!)… I think I’ve said it before, but a huge weakness of mine is that I try to do and be everything.
Besides learning balance & not being so (SO) hard on myself, getting more organized for me will play a huge part. Planning out my days in advance will hopefully keep me on track & allow for more time to spend with my guys.
While I created an extremely detailed blog/business planner for myself, I also decided to make some simple daily, weekly, & monthly planner sheets for non-business related things.
Annnd, because sharing is caring & you guys are awesome, all of the personal planner sheet PDF’s are available for download below! (I would totally share the blog one too, but trust me, you don’t want it!)

I love sharing freebies with you all! Here’s to getting organized in 2019 🙂
What are some of your New Year’s resolutions?? Let me know in the comments below!

So cutee 😍