DIY Patriotic Wreath

Most people get their patriotic decor up around Memorial Day. Not me! I definitely tried, but life got in the way. Now, I’m just happy to have a little decor up in time for the 4th of July!

We got our American Flag put up outside and then I decided I was going to make big wreath *for the first time* instead of buy one… man it was harder than it looks! Annnd, who knew how hard it would be to find red flowers this time of year? I ended up buying Fall flowers that just came out… (what!? it’s JUNE!)

Here’s how it went down…

Supplies I used:

6 Large Red Hydrangea Stems from Michael’s

6 Large White Hydrangea Stems from Michael’s

*I did find white, red, and all kinds of other colored stems on Amazon, after of course, for packs of 5 for around $15 and free shipping. Much cheaper than what I purchased… Shop Those Here*

24 Inch Wire Wreath

Paddle Wire

The CUTEST Blue Burlap with Stars from Amazon

At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to use an 18 inch wreath frame or a 24 inch. I ordered both and then held them up on our front door. I think the 18 inch would have been too busy looking and too small for our tall entry way.

So after I decided on the size, I placed the flower stems around the frame, spaced out (without attaching them), just to see how many I would need. I got lucky and had bought just enough. (If you’re using an 18 inch wreath, you could probably use 5 of each, depending on how fluffed up the flowers are.)

Once the spacing looked good to me, I cut the stems off of the flowers. Ugh, I used scissors, wire cutters, any tool I could find. It was hard. Someone give me some pointers – because my hands felt like they were going to fall off! Anyway, I cut them down far enough so when they were attached to the wreath they wouldn’t poke out from behind.

Then I used the paddle wire to secure each flower to the wire wreath. I made sure to use enough to make it really tight and stable. I alternated red & white flowers for a striped look.

Afterwards, I tied the patterned burlap in a big bow and used the paddle wire to secure it.

Finished Product:

Ha, see our sweet fur baby peeking out? Such a good watch dog!

Basically I was just winging it, but I think it turned out really nice! I obviously made this one for summer & the 4th of July, but I definitely will be making more hydrangea wreaths in the future. I love the big flowers and the statement it makes! Hopefully it will get easier each time!?

Have you made a floral wreath before? Comment below with any tips & tricks! I need all the help I can get! *Especially on cutting the stems, ouch!* 

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Tabitha Blue
6 years ago

I did not get in any patriotic decor yet, maybe I should try this… it’s beautiful!

Amanda | Maple Alps
6 years ago

I love this! I’m always so jealous of beautiful wreaths, but now I can make my own!

6 years ago

That wreath is so cute! Perfect for Memorial Day and the 4th of July!

Jojo Hua
6 years ago

This wreath is so cute! When I first saw it, I thought they were real flowers!

6 years ago

This wreath looks beautiful against your blue door!

6 years ago

This is soo pretty! What a fun and festive DIY!

4 years ago

Could you post a picture of the back of it?? I am trying this and want to see the back of it to mack sure I did it right

15 Great DIY 4th Of July Wreaths (Part 1)
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Beautiful 4th of July Wreath Crafts With Quirky And Patriotic Designs – Shawnee KS Homes and Lifestyle
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Beautiful 4th of July Wreath Crafts With Quirky And Patriotic Designs – Outdoor Christmas Lights and Decorations
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[…] is definitely easy to get. You might even have some of these items already. In any case, check out littleblondemom if you need more […]

3 years ago

Beautiful! And this could easily be a year-round wreath (if it doesn’t get sun-faded) by simply changing bows and/or adding a sign for each season.

3 years ago

I used bunches of 5 red or white carnations for mine.

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